The year is 2023. I was first introduced to the concept of a blog in my first week of graduate school in 2006. Doing the math, that was seventeen years ago. Holy hell, that seems like both a lifetime ago and just yesterday. Better late than never.
I am not 100% certain at the moment what this all might become because the truth is that I’m lost. As an individual who hasn’t followed the narrative of a woman of my age, the rulebook is vague at best. Being childless by choice and at a professional mid-life crisis, the only natural place to reground oneself is a blog, right? At the very least this place is a chance to create and explore while connecting to likeminded folks. Plus selfishly being held accountable to be consistent with a single creative endeavor is a challenge in its own right.
This will be a space for travel, style, and the intersection between the two.